Magical Wand Wood Properties


All of our wands are hand made from Canadian hardwood trees that grow on our 50 acre property in Walter’s Falls, Ontario, Canada. The trees grow just steps from our house and are harvested with mindfulness and care. Wand woods have a deep and rich history of use around the world through the ages.


MAPLE is a tree associated with magic and mystery for the Great Horned Owl is said to be its guardian. It is a wand of travelers and stories, of sending and receiving and of communication in general. The life-giving sap of the beautiful maple tree infuses spells that celebrate the sweetness of life. It allows us to touch visions of beauty and may bring forth renewal of the spirit as well as bring about more abundance and creativity and all matter of food for the soul. With strong feminine and masculine energies, it is a tree that represents transmutation and the powerful natural cycles of death and rebirth, the eternal rhythm that supports and nurtures us as we walk through this world. Through focusing a maple wand towards that which we are wanting to know, we may grow intellectually and, with this new knowledge, make powerful changes in our lives. In this same way, a maple wand may help us access a new sense of inner strength and allow us to experience great moments of personal empowerment.

APPLE– Sacred to the Druids, the apple tree was the wood of choice for wands to aid in the development of the arts of high magic. Many a witch and wizard have used applewood wands to enter the realm of Faerie. It provides a stabilizing force when we are seeking visions, when we wish to see ourselves and our world with new eyes of illumination. It is a tree associated with the Goddess Venus/Aphrodite; the wood itself is infused with the energies of love, harmony, beauty and passion. It is the ideal wand for love magic. An applewood wand amplifies peace and can assist us in tuning into the ever-present flow of wellbeing, harmony and beauty in our lives.

ASH is very powerful in the realm of magic and has been used for witches’ and wizards’ wands for hundreds of years. It is a tree most sacred to the Druids and is part of the ‘Fairy Triad’ of Oak, Ash and Thorn. It is said that wherever these three grow together, fairies live. In Norse mythology it is called Ygdrassil or the ‘World Tree’ and from it all of the worlds sprang into being. Wands made of this wood open doorways and assist in traveling between the worlds. They hold great magical potency and are good tools for focusing dreams into reality, for finding balance, spells of protection, transformation, healing and prosperity.

HAWTHORN  The hawthorn tree, with its twisted branches and sharp thorns is sacred to the fairies and so they can usually be found nearby. The wood is surprisingly strong and creates very hot fires and so is associated with the fire element and strength. Wands made of this wood are very powerful and are particularly good for protection spells, inner journeying and inspiring creativity, for opening the heart and detecting the presence of magic. It is said to bring prosperity and hope and happiness to the one who wields it with a light heart and open mind (states which this wand helps to achieve). The hawthorn is connected in myth to the Norse god Thor and the Greek god Zeus, and as such, wands of this wood are imbued with the power of lightning. Because of this hawthorn wands are also good for weather-working. Great for Love spells.

DOGWOOD  is a pale wood that is often overlooked as a wand-wood due to its softness. However, it is exactly this gentleness that makes dogwood an excellent choice. They reflect both the best qualities of the wand maker and of the one who wields it. It not uncommon for a dogwood wand to be in the hands of highly respected witches and wizards whose confident, yet easy- going natures are amplified by their wands. Wands of this wood are sacred to Elves for they recognize them to be sturdy, trustworthy and strong. They are perfect for channelling primordial fire as the wands reflect the passions and desires of the user and are used as focusing tools to help realize them. Wands of dogwood also lend themselves well to fire magic spells to bring warmth to heart and hearth, comfort, protection and healing.

ASPEN A light wood, aspen is highly prized for its harmonious combining of suppleness and sureness, strength and flexibility. A wand made of aspen is perfect for one who is bold in their thinking, innovative with ideas and imaginings. Held with confidence in the right hand, it can help bring into focus something that one is determined to bring into being. An aspen wand supports creativity. It can bring forth flashes of insight and new ways of knowing and is a good tool for balancing the mental and the physical for it amplifies the hush, the deep quietude of inner stillness. Aspen groves are often doorways to the fairy world and as such, wands of aspen connect the user to this realm of earth magic. Light in weight this wood conveys a lightness of heart to the one who wields it, supporting intuition and being in a state of grace. The mesmerizing effect of this wand may be experienced when held in the left hand with one’s focus turned inward. It assists with divination, allowing one to hear the whisperings of intuition, gentle yet clear, like the sound of wind in the leaves of the shimmering aspen tree.

ELM is a fibrous, pliant wood that brings great power to protective magic, in particular. As such it has a grounding energy and brings with it a feeling of stability and balance and comfort. It bears a feminine energy that can be directed towards love spells and magic concerning fertility, cycles and transitions. The elm tree draws its energy from the Earth, is sacred to Wood Elves and is often considered to be at the crossroads leading to the land of Faery. In Celtic Mythology an elm tree is present at the entrance to the Underworld. A wand made of this wood brings great focus and may help one to connect deeply with nature and the potent wisdom that it holds.


Imbued with the energy of the moon, a wand made of willow allows one to go with the flow, to be at ease within cycles of change. A tree that loves water, the willow too, is watery in nature, allowing the one who wields it to be fluid with their thoughts, deep in their feelings and comfortable with expressing their emotions. It is a tree of enchantment and is known for being a tool that helps wishes to come true! It is connected to the heart and the power of love and is used for healing and fertility spells. It can assist one who has the intention of receiving inspiration in the dream state. It is receptive in nature and connects one to the power of their intuition, allowing them to trust its wise voice. A wand of willow is often used as a tool for divining water sources on land and therefore is good for divination in general. It is a wood that is associated with immortality as one may grow a whole new tree by just cutting off a branch, placing it in water and allowing it to grow new roots so that it can eventually be planted in soil.



Apothecary Drawers